How To Draw A Butterfly Step by Step Easy (2 Designs)
Do you want to learn how to draw a butterfly with step by step tutorial?
Follow this tutorial to learn how to draw butterfly in easy ways. I have made two butterfly drawing ideas that are easy to draw even for older kids. I have two butterfly drawing arts one is easy and it has free printable stencils with it.

If you are interested in butterfly drawing and coloring you will enjoy this tutorial. Learning how to draw a butterfly might seem difficult, but if you are a beginner and you want to draw a butterfly just for fun you can check out these two easy butterfly drawing designs I have made just for you.
Learn How To Draw Butterfly Easily
Tools and Materials For Butterfly Drawing Sketch
- Sketchbook.
- Pencils (HB, 2B).
- Eraser.
- Sharpener.
- Color Pencils.
- Gel Pen.
Download Free Butterfly Stencil.
Click to download the butterfly stencil.
In the first tutorial, I will show you how to draw a butterfly for kids using easy stencils.
Step 1: Print Out The Butterfly Template

Step 2: How To Draw Butterfly Wings

Cut out the large wing of the butterfly. And place it in your sketchbook.
Use a pencil to draw around the stencil to draw the wing.
Similarly, draw the second wing.
Step 3: How To Draw Butterfly Pattern

Cut out the small design of the wing and place it on the upper part of the wing
Draw around the stencil with the pencil to draw the design inside the large wing.
Cut out the teardrop shape from the template and place it on the bottom part of the wing.
Trace the teardrop shape on the wings.
Step 4: Butterfly Drawing Details:

Place the butterfly’s body in between the two wings.
Draw around the butterfly body stencil.
Erase the pencil lines inside the butterfly’s body.
Use free-hand drawing to draw two swirly antennas.
Step 5: Butterfly Drawing Line

To add more details draw some polka dots on the wings.
Draw a few smaller polka dots and teardrop shapes inside the designs to give them more detail.
Outline the large wings.
Step 6: Butterfly Drawing and Color

Use a black marker pen to color the butterfly body and antennas.
Use a red marker to color the border.
Use yellow color to fill in the dots.
Fill in the teardrop shapes with a dark red color.
Step 7: Butterfly Drawing With Colour

Use an orange shade to color the design inside the wing.
Color the rest of the wings using a pink color.

Butterfly Drawing Design 2:
Step 1: How To Draw A Butterfly Very Easy

Select a paper to draw your butterfly drawing art.
Take your pencil and draw grass on one corner of the paper. Use freehand drawing to draw the grass.
Keep a 3-centimeter gap from the grass and 3 centimeters gap from the right side of the paper then, draw an oval shape.
Now, start drawing the petals around the oval-shaped pedicel.
Draw all the petals around the pedicels. Use a thin pencil to draw the stem and another extended stem on the left side. Draw a small leaf on the tip of the small stem.
Step 2: How To Draw A Butterfly On Flower:

Keep a one-centimeter gap from the left side of the flower and draw a circular shape.
Then, draw t hin teardrop shape body for the butterfly.
Draw two curvy lines from the thorax and slightly above to draw the butterflies forewings.
Draw the curvy forewings.
Step 3: Draw A Butterfly Pattern:

Keep a similar shape as the forewings and draw slightly smaller hindwings below the butterfly’s forewings.
Draw two antennas on top of the butterfly’s head, and draw two small dots on the tip of the antennas.
Draw a teardrop shape like pattern inside the forewing.
Then, draw an oval shape-like pattern inside the forewing.
Step 5: How To Draw Half Butterfly

Draw another squiggly circle on the forewing.
Similarly, draw two patterns inside the hindering.
Draw small circles to add more details to the wings.
Take a green crayon or colored pencil, then, fill in the grass outline with the green color.
Step 6: Color The Butterfly Drawing:

Also, fill in the leaf using a green shaded color pencil or crayon.
Take an orange shaded pencil and color inside the outline of the butterfly’s forewing.
Take a yellow colored pencil or crayon and color the butterfly’s hindwings and the flower’s pedicel.
Use different shades of orange and yellow colors to color the patterns inside the wings.
Step 7: Finish Coloring The Butterfly Drawing:

Use black to color the rest of the small patterns.
Use grey to color the butterfly’s body.
Use a peach color to color the flower.
Use a black gel pen to enhance the butterfly outline.

Now that you know how to draw a butterfly in two different designs will you give this drawing tutorial a try?
If you like easy drawing tutorials visit the link to learn how to draw an easy rose with step-by-step rose drawing images.
Want to see other artists draw a butterfly? While scrolling on Instagram I found this amazing butterfly drawing video you might enjoy.