How To Make Origami Heart Easy
Origami heart crafts are so fun to make. With the Valentine’s Day season coming origami hearts can come in handy for you. If you are celebrating Valentine’s Day and you want to decorate your home or your mantel you can make these cute origami hearts. These origami hearts are so simple and elegant that you can make garlands out of them and hang them somewhere.

I will be honest I am not very good at making origami crafts. I have tried so many heart ideas with origami techniques but failed to make them. Most of them are not easy for kids to make. But this particular origami technique to make hearts is very simple. Whether it is for Valentine’s Day or mother’s day you can make these hearts using these easy step-by-step instructions. Last year I made a heart garland also using paper, it seemed to get a lot of attention and that’s why I had the idea to make another Valentine’s Day garland.
DIY Paper Heart Garand Using Origami Folding Techniques
List of supplies:
- Origami Craft Paper (red, pink shades).
- Colorful Thin Craft Papers (alternative).
- Ruler.
- Scissors.
- Glue.
- Pencil.
Origami Heart Instructions:

To make your origami heart garland craft, first, you need to select colors for your origami hearts. Cut out square-sized colorful craft papers.
Step 1: Make The Creases

Take the left bottom corner of your origami craft paper, then, diagonally fold the paper in half (take the bottom left corner and bring it upwards to the top right corner), This will create a triangular shape.
Ope the diagonal fold, this fold will create a diagonal crease on the origami craft paper.
Now in this step, you will need to take the bottom right corner, then, bring the corner upwards to the top left corner and create a diagonal fold.
Open the fold, this fold will create another diagonal crease on the origami craft paper. Now we have two creases that are shaped like an “X”. These creases will work as guidelines on making our origami heart.
Step 2: Start Folding

Take the bottom point of the origami craft paper, and bring the bottom point upwards to the center (where both creases met). Fold the paper right there horizontally.
Take the top point of the origami craft paper, and bring it downwards. Bring the point all the way down to the center of the horizontal fold, and fold it there.
Turn the origami piece upside down keeping the long flat end at the bottom.
Step 3: Fold The Two Sides

Take the right side of the origami piece (from the middle vertical crease) take it upwards and fold it straight along with the middle crease.
Similarly, take the bottom left side and bring it upwards and straight along the middle crease, then fold it there. We can already see our heart shape.
Step 4: Fold The Corners

Turn the origami piece to the other side.
Take the two pointed parts from the top, and fold them horizontally.
Then, take the two side corners of the origami piece and fold them vertically.
These folds will give your origami heart smooth edges.
Step 5: Make A Few More

take a few more colorful origami craft papers and make more origami hearts. Make them in a few different sizes to make your origami heart garland appear more elegant.
Step 6: How To Make The Heart Garland

To make your origami heart garland you will need some thick threads of twine. Take two long strands of twines.
Attach your DOY origami heart to the twine using sticky tape. I prefer using sticky tape instead of glue. You can rearrange the hearts any time you want if you use sticky tape.
Attach more hearts on the twines to make your origami heart garland craft for Valentine’s Day.
How To Use This Heart Garland
This heart garland is not only useable on Valentine’s Day but you can make this for any occasion you want. For example, if you want to decorate your home for Mother’s Day you can use this paper heart garland. This paper heart garland craft is also a good decoration for bridal showers and baby showers. It’s a nice decorative for the mantel. If you are having a simple party at home these paper hearts can enhance the decorations. Whether it is a birthday party or an anniversary party this heart garland tutorial can help you shake up things.

I sure had a good time making these origami hearts with you all. While searching for ideas on the web I came across a few more origami heart crafts you might like.

The origami heart bookmarks on popsicle sticks are super adorable and so easy to make. Click the image to visit the tutorial by That Kids Craft Site.
Seeing Dandy made Origami Heart Corner Bookmarks using a very easy technique.
Last but not least, Check out these fantastic Origami Heart Rings by The Craftaholic Witch.
I hope you enjoyed this craft tutorial, and if you give this craft a go please share pictures with us. Thank you for being with us. We hope to see you again in our next post.
Before you leave check out another valentine’s Day Craft from us.