How To Make Paper Bag Puppet Craft Little Red Riding Hood (3 Templates) Easy
I have a very cute little red riding hood paper bag puppet for you.

Hey kids! I’m sure you all have heard the story about little red riding hood and the mean fox.
Little red riding hood is a popular story, and it’s been around for a very long time. I heard this story when I was a little kid. This children’s literature was originally French. Then it was translated into many languages.
I have made a paper bag craft on how how to make Christmas paper gift bags previously. You can check out that tutorial too. And if you want to see more puppet crafts I have a cute Thanksgiving Puppets Craft with FREE printables.
There is another cute paper gift bag idea you might like. My sister The Craftaholic Witch made this easy Bag out of wrapping papers.
If you want to hear the story of Little Red Riding Hood you can visit this youtube link.
How To Make A Paper Bag Hand Puppet (Little Red Riding Hood)
Download Templates For Paper Bag and Little Red Riding Hood
Tools and Materials:
- Brown Paper.
- Colorful Craft Papers.
- Ruler.
- Pencil.
- Scissors.
- Glue.
Step 1:

Cut out brown paper to make the paper bag.
The brown paper should be rectangular.
You should make the paper bag according to the size of your hand.
For this bag, you will need 10×5 inches of brown paper.
Download the “paper bag template” and according to the template make 2 folds on the paper bag.
Step 2:

Apply glue on the small fold/crease of the brown paper.
Then, bring the right side to the glued area and join it there.
Now, make a 2 inches fold from the bottom of the brown paper.
Open up the folded part, and press both sides as shown in the 3rd and 4th images.
Fold the top point along the middle line.
Then fold the bottom point slightly over the line.
Apply glue on the top flap.
Now, overlap the bottom part with the top and join it (this will create two rhombi shaped on the two corners.
Step 3:

Take a ruler, and take 3-4 centimeters of space from the border (along the middle part of the rhombus shapes).
Make a vertical fold on the paper bag using the ruler (it helps you make a straight fold).
Open the brown paper bag according to the folds to reveal your paper bag.
Step 4:

Download the “little red riding hood Templates”.
Use a pencil to trace the patterns from the templates to craft papers.
Then use a pair of scissors to carefully cut out the pieces from the craft papers.
Step 5:

Glue the little red riding hood’s fringe/bangs with the head.
Glue the dress’s sleeves with the arms.
Step 6:

Glue the little red hood on the back of the head.
Glue pink blushing cheeks on the face.
Step 7:

Glue the red bow on the bottom side of the hood. Draw the eyes and mouth using a thin pen.
Step 8:

Take the brown paper bag and place it upside down.
And also take the base for the paper bag puppet and the dress’s collar.
Step 9:

Glue the collar with the dress.
Step 10:

Then glue the base with the paper bag.
Step 11:

Glud the little red riding hood’s cape over the base.
Step 12:

Glue little red riding hood’s shoes on the bottom
Step 13

Glue the head on the top part of the upside-down bag.
Step 14:

Glue the arms on both sides of the paper bag.
How Can You Use This Paper Bag Puppet Little Red Riding Hood Craft:
If you are looking for a fun time with kids, I think this craft can be helpful to you. Whether you are a parent or teacher you can use this paper bag little red riding hood for storytelling activities.
There is another use for this bag, you can simply use it as a paper gift bag.
I hope you all enjoyed this paper bag hand puppet craft for little red riding hood. And I hope to see you all in my next post. Thank you so much. Stay tuned with us to find more easy and fun craft tutorials for kids.